(HD Blu-Ray) Trains for Kids 2018 - Volume 1
Run-time 1hour and 26mins approx
Kids love trains and this programme is ideal for those in their early years through to their teens - and maybe some a little older too! It aims to show the different trains that can be found not only in the United Kingdom, but Europe and the United States as well.
The show begins with scenes of steam trains at work in the U.K. from those on preserved lines to the main rail network - and they come in all shapes and sizes from express engines, small branchline locos and even a steam-powered motor coach too! We then move to the railways of mainland Europe with views of fast TGV trains in France, local and intercity trains in Germany and Belgium as well as older trains in Slovenia, Slovakia and Poland. Some of the biggest and longest trains to be found in the world come from the United States and it is here that the next part of our programme comes from. A freight train running through the streets opens our section before we see further examples running over bridges, through the desert, alongside rivers and through stations. We also include steam trains with superb scenes showing the trains in action on excursions and preserved lines.
We then head back to the U.K. rail scene with a look at the Intercity 125, some preserved diesels and freight trains in action - including some in the snow. Our last section looks at Steam trains in Germany with preserved examples on branch lines and the main line railway, with some really spectacular early morning steam and climbs up hills.
This programme offers a great round-up of the different sorts of trains to be seen with informal but educational narration to help introduce the viewer to the subject - which, incidentally, can be turned on or off - so if it is just the trains that you want, then no problem!