(Standard DVD) European Railway: The DB Class 141 (1994-2006)
Run-time 30 minutes
In this programme we bring together some previously published (In European Railway) and some new material into one programme looking at the DB class 141 locomotives at work between 1994 and 2006.
Built between 1956 and 1969 the 451-strong Class 141 (E41) were conceived by The German Federal Railways as a lightweight mixed traffic locomotive for rural freight and local passenger services. They lasted until 2006 when the final locomotives were switched off. This programme looks at the class at work between 1994 and 2006 and brings together video material previously published as part of the ‘European Railway’ series as well as a number of new unpublished sequences. The locomotives are filmed in a range of liveries from Green, to Ocean blue and beige, to red and S-Bahn orange and white.
Throughout the latter years of their careers they were the mainstay of regional stopping services throughout the former west of the country and it is within these areas that we witness the class at work; from along the Mosel Valley, The Rhein river valley, Duisburg, Karlsruhe, Hannover and Hamburg to name but a few. Not only the locomtives are seen but so too some of the passenger rolling stock that was prominent at the time before it was all swept away by subsequent modernisation. This programme focuses on what were regarded as unsung heroes of the German Railway passenger scene and, although probably not the most attractive in terms of looks, they were ideally suited for their work and were a major part of recent German railway history.
Whether you are a keen continental modeller or a devotee of German traction, this programme is an ideal addition to any DVD collection.