(Standard DVD) Line by Line: Slovakia - Tatra Mountains Route 2018
Run-time 1 hour 46 mins approx.
This programme looks at the busy and picturesque mainline that runs at the foot of the impressive Tatra Mountains in northern Slovakia. We concentrate on the route just east of Vrutky and onwards to Poprad-Tatry, including the steeply graded sections around Štrba. With around four trains in each direction every hour the line has a wide variety of train types and motive power to be seen. Classes 131, 150, 162, 163, 183, 193, 350, 361, 362, 363, 383, 425-095, 681, 742, 746, 810 & 811 all appear on various workings. Passenger trains featured include Pendolino, loco-hauled intercity, regiojet and local services as well as some diesel units. Freight services include heavy, coal, iron-ore and steel trains generally operated by class 131 double-locos, which also see class 183 acting as assisting locos on the steeper stretches of the line. Mixed freight and shunting operations are also seen.
The mountain scenery dominates throughout the programme from high hills to the peaks of the high Tatras. A number of stations are visited, some modern and some old as well as lineside locations offering rural back-drops of the passing trains. The programme was filmed in 2012, 2017 and 2018 and includes some of the very latest motive power to be seen on the line.