(Standard DVD) Line by Line: Switzerland - Pratteln to Effingen 2018
Run-time 1 hour and 43 mins approx.
One of the busiest and most varied railway lines (for traffic types) in Switzerland is the main rail route linking Basel with Zürich and the Götthard Tunnel line. This programme looks at a small section of the line between Pratteln, near Basel, to Effingen just north of Brugg. Filmed in 2017 and 2018 it features a whole host of train and locomotive types on all manner of workings. Details of the trains seen are given in the commentary, including the many freight train workings. The presentation includes a wide variety of train types from classes 185, 186, 187, 189, 193, DB401, 420, 421, 425, 430, 460, 474, 482, 485, 500, 511, 521, 522, 523, 620, 843, 923, 9174 and TGV.
The programme is divided in to four parts: the first looks at the line in open countryside between Möhlin and Mumpf with views from farm roads and overbridges next to the line. The second part covers the more hilly section between Stein-Säckingen and the tunnel at the summit of the route at Effingen. Part three covers the industrialised area west of Möhlin to Rheinfelden, including a trip freight on the local brewery branch and finally part four gives an extended look at the railway hot-spot at Pratteln, which sees almost constant passenger and freight activity. Situated on the junction with the line from Olten it is one of the best places to watch trains in the Basel area.