(Standard DVD) Line by Line: Switzerland - The Gotthard North Ramp 2016
1 hour 49 mins approx
Following on from our ‘The Gotthard Bahn - Southern Ramp 2015’ programme, this DVD features the northern Gotthard Main Line through the Swiss Alps in June 2016. With the opening of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel expected to become an operational route in December 2016, this old classic line will see the amount of trains that travel over it significantly reduced. This DVD focuses on the everyday traffic on the mountain route in a snap-shot survey during the early summer of 2016. The line is filmed from various vantage points between Göschenen northwards to Arth-Goldau, including the famous loops and curves at Wassen. We also include Wassen station, Gurtnellen, Zgraggen, Amsteg-Silenen, Flüelen, Brunnen and Schwyz. Part of our filming also coincided with the new base-tunnel opening celebrations and includes some of the extra trains laid on by SBB to take passengers over the old mountain route. Motive power is of the Swiss classic designs of 460, Re4/4 and Re6/6 locomotives. We also see class 524 multiple units, class 610 and Intercity class 500 multiple units as well as classes 523, 524, 560, 485, 465, DB185, 186 and new class 187s. The programme is intended as an historic record of this most famous of alpine crossings.